Created and idealized by Andre Gubolin, born in the city of São José do Rio Preto - SP (06/21/1981), at 37 (Living in Penápolis - SP) and Vanessa Gomes, born in the city of Uberaba - MG at 42 (living in Uberaba - MG), both diagnosed with PARKINSON DE PRECOCE.
André and Vanessa, with encouragement from the hitherto idol of André, Amílcar Christófaro (Drummer and leader of the national metal band Torture Squad) created the Project together and thus add up, giving support in social media, giving lectures on overcoming, emphasizing the Overcoming of André / Batera.
Vanessa articulates, coordinates, manages the agenda of commitments and takes care of the bureaucratic part of BATERA.
The project “PARKINSON DRUMMER OVERCOMING”, has been facilitating access to information through social media (Website, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube) about Parkinson's disease, and proving that there is a possibility of overcoming the diagnosis in young people, as in the case of Andre, who through music / music therapy (drums) has been obtaining an excellent result in overcoming the disease.
People affected or not by Parkinson's, are impacted when they see that there really is OVERCOMING and improvement in the quality of life in the face of the challenges and limitations imposed by PARKINSON.
They will soon follow drum lessons taught by André, as well as his OVERCOMING in his daily life.
The project has also shown several other ways of overcoming through sports, manual and social work, that are presented by the Parkinsonian community, which in Brazil, according to statistics, are more than 200,000 people affected by the disease.
There are also many tips on how to care for patients, information for caregivers on how to get to know them in depth. the disease through health professionals, who embraced the cause and proposed a partnership with the project.
Through the experiences lived by the creators of project in their travels, in daily life and in reports of Parkinsonians from all over Brazil, mentioned in our social networks, the project has been alerting society and authorities about the needs, limitations and difficulties encountered in daily life, so that in all these measures appropriate measures are taken effectively to assert the rights of the Parkinsonian citizen.
The project has the social objective and purpose, the support and general guidance to patients with Parkinson's Disease, family and caregivers and society in general.
To achieve its objectives the project adopts party-political neutrality, and may sign cooperation agreements or agreements with any legally constituted entity, as long as the object of the joint action allows the diffusion or strengthening of the cause, of its associates, as well as providing collaboration in support projects, throughout the national territory.